• Natural Mixed Tocopherols a mixture of alpha,beta, gamma and delta “d” forms) are excellent antioxidants.
• It prevents rancidity issues in food to retain the original taste, flavour and overall quality for
food and nutraceutical products.
• Natural Mixed Tocopherols a mixture of alpha, beta, gamma and delta “d” forms) are excellent antioxidants.
• Bears strong antioxidant and nourishing properties which enable its use in Topical/ cosmetic applications
like creams, lotions, moisturizers, shampoos, etc.
• Effectively prevents skin and hair from free radical damage. Also provides protection from harmful UV.
Key Features
• Indian raw material source & production.
• No regulatory usage limits, unlike synthetic antioxidants such as BHA, BHT, THBQ.
• Allowed as an ingredient in or on processed products labelled as “organic” or “made with organic” under § 205.605
of the USDA National Organic program.
• Diaoxin and PAH within limit as defined by WHO¬ PCDD/ F¬TEQ.
• GRAS¬ Natural Mixed Tocopherols have long been a part of the human diet.
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